Rich Cassidy Law

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Rich Cassidy Law

Two Other Pretty Good Sources That Might Pay Your Medical Bills

  • By: RichC
  • Published: November 29, 2018
Third: PIP Insurance

Most Vermont residents won’t have PIP (Personal Insurance Protection) as it usually sold in states that have a no-fault insurance system. But even here, some people buy it and it will cover your medical expenses up to the stated limits. You or your lawyer should read the policy. If you have PIP, it will likely pay a good share of your medical bills.

Yes, you might have to repay when you settle, at least in part.

Workers Compensation Insurance

If you were injured while you were on the job, your employer should be covered by workers compensation insurance, whether or not you were injured due to the fault of someone else, and even if you were injured due to your own fault. We will talk about the workers’ compensation system in detail later.

If you were injured due to the fault of some third party other than your employer, you have a claim against that third party, but the workers’ compensation insurer should still pay your medical bills.

The workers’ compensation insurer has a powerful right to be reimbursed for medical bills and lost wages it pays on your behalf. But it is obligated to carry a proportionate share of your attorney’s fees and litigation expenses out of its share of what you recover.

For more information on Two Other Pretty Good Sources That Might Pay Your Medical Bills, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (802) 864-8144 today.

About the Author

Rich Cassidy Law
Suite D5
(Pierson House)
1233 Shelburne Road
South Burlington, VT 05403

(802) 864-8144

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